Thursday, July 28, 2011

Session DVD archive sale

I have filled up yet another external hard drive and I am getting ready to clean off of my laptop of all old sessions. I am going to be achiving all of the sessions from 2005-2010 and filing them away in a safe place off site.

If you had a session or sessions in 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 or 2010 I am offering you a chance to purchase the proofs from your session on DVD before they get archived. The price for your session on dvd will be 100.00. This will include the proofs from your session, but not the cards or composites. You will recieve a print release along with your DVD so that you can print them anywhere you choose. If you had mulitple sessions, then the price will be 100.00 for the first session, and 60.00 for each additional sessions.

This offer is only good for portrait sessions, and not weddings. This offer is also only valid if you made a portrait order from your session. If you did not make an initial order, then you won't be eligible to purchase the DVD. This offer is only good for a limited time! Good until September 1st 2011. So let me know before then!

If you are interested, please email me the following information:

You name
The name of the person photographed
Approximate date of photo session

This offer is only available until Sept 1st. After that all hard drives will be filed away.

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