Sunday, October 12, 2008

I've been gone, but I am back!

I was gone all day Friday, and then I had a wedding Friday evening. My dd, Liv and I left the wedding at 10:00pm and drove to WV to a photography conference....what a drive that was! We were both so tired! She fell asleep right away, and I drove the four hours to the hotel in Beckley, WV. We got in at just after 2:00am!
We spent the day Saturday and Sunday hanging out with other photographers and taking classes, and learning new things. Liv even modeled for the lighting techniques class, and the senior posing and techniques class. I only took a few of her, and let the others do the shooting, but I will post a few later.
Saturday night after a late dinner we all went bowling, and I haven't had so much fun, and laughed so hard for a long time. We all belong to a photography forum and even though we have never met before, we all felt like family. It was so nice to meet face to face!
We got home just after 6:00pm tonight and I have been pretty much useless ever since. I am absolutely, positively exhausted!
I will be in and out on Monday, but you can leave a message and I will call when I am in!
TTFN! Martha


ellen kauffman said...

Hey Marti! You can check off MD!! I just spent to much time browsing around your site- amazing and inspiring work!

Martha/Marti said...

Thanks Ellen! You are so sweet! If you ever come to OH you have to come over! I would love to 'shoot' your cuties!

Martha/Marti said...

Thanks Ellen! You are so sweet! If you ever come to OH you have to come over! I would love to 'shoot' your cuties!