Friday, July 25, 2008

It's twin time!

I first met K&L when they were 8 days old. They were so small and such good babies! They slept the entire session, and they stayed right where I put them, no matter what I did to them! After that session I was convinced that I needed twins! They were so sweet!
Mr K is on the left and Miss L is on the right. I love this picture and I have it hanging in my studio.

The next time I saw them was at 6 months old. They had grown so much! They had an evening appointment, so they weren't too happy, but I still got a couple of good ones:

Now they are 18 months old and so busy! They can both walk and they are very busy! I had Olivia here to help me and we were both working hard! Miss L had some warming up to do, but we eventually got a few smiles!

I love K's lips! They are the perfect shade of red, and he has the greatest pout!And this is their big sis, Miss S. As you can imagine, their mama is very busy! She was brave enough to bring them all by herself!
I hope that you like them!
TTFN! Martha

1 comment:

mylittlepaperaddiction said...

Aren't they just the sweetest? It must be so much fun for you to watch your little clients grow up!